X Author: Peter J Biermayer
Lutz, James D, Peter J Biermayer, and Derek A King."Pilot Phase of a Field Study to Determine Waste of Water and Energy in Residential Hot-Water Distribution Systems."
(2011) 29.
Lutz, James D, Peter J Biermayer, Richard E Brown, Alan K Meier, James E McMahon, and Energy Analysis Department."How to Make Appliance Standards Work: Improving Energy and Water Efficiency Test Procedures."
(2010) 10.
Fridley, David, Jiang Lin, Andrea Denver, Peter J Biermayer, and Tyler J Dillavou."CFL Labeling Harmonization in the United States, China, Brazil and ELI Member Countries: Specifications, Testing, and Mutual Recognition."
(2005) 30.
Biermayer, Peter J, and Jiang Lin."Clothes washer standards in China -- The problem of water and energy trade-offs in establishing efficiency standards."2004 ACEEE Summer Study
Biermayer, Peter J, James E McMahon, and Bryan Berringer."Final Rule Technical Support Document (TSD): Energy efficiency standards for consumer products: Clothes washers."
Biermayer, Peter J, James D Lutz, and Alexander B Lekov."Measurement of Airflow in Residential Furnaces."
(2004) 58.
Biermayer, Peter J, John F Busch, Sajid Hakim, and Isaac Turiel."Feasibility of An Appliance Energy Testing and Labeling Program for Sri Lanka."
(2000) 130.
Chaitkin, Stuart, Peter J Biermayer, Sarah E Bretz, Stephen R Brown, Sachu Constantine, and Diane C Fisher."Marginal Energy Prices Report."
(1999) 38.
Biermayer, Peter J."Analysis of Clothes Washer Design Options for Their Energy and Water Saving Potential."International Appliance Technical Conference