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Turiel, Isaac, James E McMahon, and Carl Adams."Technical Support Document: Energy Efficiency Standards for Consumer Products: Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts."
Rosenquist, Gregory J, James E McMahon, and Michael E McCabe."Technical Support Document: Energy Efficiency Standards for Consumer Products: Residential Central Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps."
Rosenquist, Gregory J, Katie Coughlin, Larry L Dale, and Stephen Meyers."Life-Cycle Cost and Payback Period Analysis for Commercial Unitary Air Conditioners."
Lutz, James D, Camilla Dunham, Alexander B Lekov, and James E McMahon."Modeling Energy Consumption of Residential Furnaces and Boilers in U.S. homes."
(2004) 141.
Dale, Larry L, Dev Millstein, Katie Coughlin, Robert D Van Buskirk, Gregory J Rosenquist, Alexander B Lekov, and Sanjib Bhuyan."An Analysis of Price Determination and Markups in the Air-Conditioning and Heating Equipment Industry."
Lutz, James D, Alexander B Lekov, Camilla Dunham, Peter T Chan, Stephen Meyers, and James E McMahon."Life-Cycle Cost Analysis of Energy Efficiency Design Options for Residential Furnaces and Boilers."
(2004) 102.
Biermayer, Peter J, James D Lutz, and Alexander B Lekov."Measurement of Airflow in Residential Furnaces."
(2004) 58.
Lutz, James D, Alexander B Lekov, Peter T Chan, Camilla Dunham, Stephen Meyers, and James E McMahon."Life-Cycle Cost Analysis of Energy Efficiency Design Options for Residential Furnaces and Boilers."
Wiel, Stephen, and James E McMahon."Normas y Etiquetas de Eficiencia Energetica: Ena Guia Para Electrodomesticos, Equipo e Iluminacion."
(2003) 228.
Wiel, Stephen, and Laura Van Wie McGrory."Regional Cooperation in Energy Efficiency Standard-Setting and Labeling in North America."
(2003) 8.
McMahon, James E."New Analysis Techniques for Estimating Impacts of Federal Appliance Efficiency Standards."
(2003) 6.
Bartholomew, Emily S, Robert D Van Buskirk, and Chris Marnay."Conservation in California During the Summer of 2001."
(2002) 22.
Bartholomew, Emily S, Robert D Van Buskirk, and Chris Marnay."Conservation in California During the Summer of 2001."
(2002) 19.
Meyers, Stephen, James E McMahon, Michael A McNeil, and Xiaomin Liu."Realized and Prospective Impacts of U.S. Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential Appliances."
(2002) 43.
McGrory, Laura Van Wie, Jeffrey P Harris, Miguel Breceda, Stephani Campbell, Sachu Constantine, and Mirka della Cava."Market Leadership By Example: Government Sector Energy Efficiency in Developing Countries."
(2002) 16.
Meyers, Stephen, James E McMahon, Michael A McNeil, and Larry L Dale."Determination Analysis of Energy Conservation Standards for Small Electric Motors."
(2002) 47.
Meyers, Stephen, James E McMahon, Michael A McNeil, and Larry L Dale."Determination Analysis of Energy Conservation Standards for Small Electric Motors."
(2002) 46.
Benenson, Peter, James E McMahon, and Stephen R Brown."Web Technology to Support Work Processes in Energy Policy Research - A Case Study with Energy Efficiency Standards."
(2002) 12.
Wiel, Stephen, and James E McMahon."Governments Should Implement Energy-Efficiency Standards and Labels-Cautiously."
Rosenquist, Gregory J, Peter T Chan, Alexander B Lekov, James E McMahon, and Robert D Van Buskirk."Consumer Life-Cycle Cost Impacts of Energy-Efficiency Standards for Residential-Type Central Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps."
(2001) 30.
Rosenquist, Gregory J, Peter T Chan, Alexander B Lekov, James E McMahon, and Robert D Van Buskirk."Consumer Life-Cycle Cost Impacts of Energy-Efficiency Standards for Residential-Type Central Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps."2002 Winter Meeting of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE), January 11-16, 2002
108.Part 1 (2001) 619-630.