X Author: Barbara A Atkinson
Blum, Helcio, Barbara A Atkinson, and Alexander B Lekov."A methodological framework for comparative assessments of equipment energy efficiency policy measures."Energy Efficiency
6.1 (2012) 65-90. DOI
Williams, Alison A, Barbara A Atkinson, Karina Garbesi, and Francis M Rubinstein."Quantifying National Energy Savings Potential of Lighting Controls in Commercial Buildings."
(2012) 14.
Williams, Alison A, Barbara A Atkinson, Karina Garbesi, Erik Page, and Francis M Rubinstein."Lighting Controls in Commercial Buildings."Leukos: The Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America
8.3 (2012) 19. DOI
Williams, Alison A, Barbara A Atkinson, Karina Garbesi, Francis M Rubinstein, and Erik Page."A Meta-Analysis of Energy Savings from Lighting Controls in Commercial Buildings."
(2011) 25.
Blum, Helcio, Barbara A Atkinson, and Alexander B Lekov."A Framework for Comparative Assessments of Energy Efficiency Policy Measures."
(2011) 35.
Meyers, Stephen, James E McMahon, and Barbara A Atkinson."Realized and Projected Impacts of U.S. Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential and Commercial Appliances."
(2008) 29.
Busch, Christopher B, Barbara A Atkinson, Joseph H Eto, Isaac Turiel, and James E McMahon."Utility DSM Rebates For Electronic Ballasts: National Estimates and Market Impact (1992 - 1997)."
Turiel, Isaac, Barbara A Atkinson, Andrea Denver, Chris Marnay, Diane C Fisher, and Sajid Hakim."Draft Report on Potential Impact of Alternative Efficiency Levels for Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts."
Vorsatz, Diana, Leslie J Shown, Jonathan G Koomey, Mithra M Moezzi, Andrea Denver, and Barbara A Atkinson."Lighting Market Sourcebook for the U.S.."
(1997) 160.
Sezgen, Osman, Matthew E Lecar, Joseph H Eto, Barbara A Atkinson, and James E McMahon."Lighting Policy Modeling in the Commercial Sector."ACEEE 1992 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Atkinson, Barbara A, James E McMahon, Evan Mills, Peter T Chan, Terry W Chan, Joseph H Eto, Judy D Jennings, Jonathan G Koomey, Kwok-Wai Ken Lo, Matthew E Lecar, Lynn K Price, Francis M Rubinstein, Osman Sezgen, and Thomas P Wenzel."Analysis of Federal Policy Options for Improving U.S. Lighting Energy Efficiency: Commercial and Residential Buildings."