Alexander Lekov
2012 Director's Awards for Exceptional Achievement: Societal Impact - May 18th 2012
Solving important challenges for society, research that furthers solutions to large social problems, or scientific breakthroughs that have improved the world.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Director's Award for Exceptional Achievement - May 15th 2012
For their leadership efforts during an intense multi-year period of work to oversee a group whose technical work for the U.S. Department of Energy to develop appliance standards mandated by law will save billions of dollars in energy costs—a substantial positive impact on consumers, and on lowering carbon emissions in the U.S. The standards promulgated in the last three years alone will have a tremendous impact on the nation, saving consumers billions of dollars, and making a tangible and sizeable difference in reducing the nation’s carbon emissions.
2006 Presidential Award for Leadership in Federal Energy Management - October 12th 2006
For assisting the U.S. Postal Service Pacific Area Energy Program Committee with over $100 million of clean energy retrofits in their facilities during FY 2004 and 2005.