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Chen, Yuting, Heidi Fuchs, Jonah Schein, Victor H Franco, Hannah Stratton, Thomas A Burke, and Camilla Dunham."Water heating energy use reductions from EPA WaterSense lavatory plumbing fittings."Resources, Conservation and Recycling,
Volume 174, 2021, 105781, ISSN 0921-3449. (2021). DOI
Fuchs, Heidi, Arian Aghajanzadeh, and Peter L Therkelsen."Using industry’s own words to quantify the benefits and challenges of ISO 50001."eceee Industrial Summer Study 2018
Fujita, K Sydny, and Margaret Taylor."Achieved and Potential Energy Savings through Energy Efficient Procurement."
Taylor, Margaret, and K Sydny Fujita."Program Potential: Estimates of Federal Energy Cost Savings from Energy Efficient Procurement."
Taylor, Margaret, and K Sydny Fujita."The Path to Savings: Understanding the Federal Purchase of Energy-Consuming Products."
Taylor, Margaret, and K Sydny Fujita."Who Buys What? Understanding Federal Procurement of Energy Efficient Products."American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy
Harris, Jeffrey P, Richard C Diamond, Carl Blumstein, Chris Calwell, Maithili Iyer, Christopher T Payne, and Paul Siderius."Towards a Policy of Progressive Efficiency."People-Centered Initiatives for Increasing Energy Saving
Iyer, Maithili, Willett Kempton, and Christopher T Payne."Comparison groups on bills: Automated, personalized energy information."Energy and Buildings
38.8 (2006) 988-996. DOI
Harris, Jeffrey P, Richard C Diamond, Maithili Iyer, Christopher T Payne, and Carl Blumstein."Don't Supersize Me! Toward a Policy of Consumption-Based Energy Efficiency."ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2006) 7-100-7-114.